Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Flow of Creativity(-ish)

Yes, I am working on my table of contents -slowly but surly. I WILL have it done by the end of spring break -this is a pinky promise I have made to myself, and I take pinky promises very seriously. But I am a writer working on a literary magazine, so everything I write asks me "Should I be your two-page spread?". The answer most times is 'maybe', but eventually it is 'yes'; I've said yes to more than one piece, and I only have one two-page spread. Is the problem clear? Okay, good. To be honest, I don't consider myself a very indecisive person, but I'm never fully confident with my work, which leads me to ask for many different opinions. So now that I have a blog IT'S EASY AND FAST TO ASK FOR AS MANY OPINIONS AS I WANT. When would've I imagined that I'd like the idea of having a blog? (The answer is never).

This is a poem I worked on a while ago and came across this week. I like to think of it as Charles Bukowski-like, simple but meaningful, (mostly because he's my favorite poet and idol) and it is one that I could consider as my two-page spread. I think I'm better off with prose, because I'm a stronger prose writer, but it doesn't hurt to share. 

Fabricated Safety
Seven billion people in the world
And that’s all we are
On screens
On their screens
Altogether collaborating
In the manipulation
Of this world
A fabricated world made up of pixels
And search histories
And social media
And the constant processing of information
My information
Your information
Our information
Ones and zeroes
Zeroes and ones
Which contains a thousand intricate functions
To make you feel untouchable
People can’t access your Instagram
If you don’t allow them to
While your Google search is determining
What you buy
What you listen to
What you like
And we accept it as a norm
It is how the world works
It is how it’s supposed to
You lock your door every night
You feel protected
And post your life on Twitter
For friends
To see
Your online bank account password has 13 characters
You feel safe
But if you stop spending as much
Your bank calls you to ask
If everything is okay
Is everything okay?
You are just a collection of digits
Working as a group to add up and compose
The perfect realities
Delivered in a silver plate just for you
So you can continue to play your role
In their world
Which is consequently
Our world
And there is no secret to numbers

Second demonstration of writing skills in the blog. Cool.

Now I'm gonna force my friends to read it and give their truest opinion -as long as they don't make me cry.

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